Finally A Simple Way To Get Paid To Write Articles Online and Make a Good Living

Finally A Simple Way To Get Paid To Write Articles Online and Make a Good Living

Get Paid To Write as a Remote Freelance Writer

Isn’t it something how remote work has totally switched things up in so many industries, especially for us freelance writers?

More companies are getting comfortable with the idea of not having everyone in the office, and guess what? They’re looking for folks like us who want to get paid to write, crafting words from anywhere under the sun.

Writers everywhere welcome this new wave of flexibility.

Say goodbye to the old-school 9 to 5 grind. Now, your office could be your cozy living room, a buzzing café, or even a beachside hammock—as long as the Wi-Fi doesn’t bail on you.

This freedom is the ultimate work-life blend—work a bit and play on your own clock.

And, oh boy, the opportunities are booming!

With just your trusty laptop, you can snag writing gigs from clients across the globe—no need to be tied down to one spot.

It’s like the world’s your oyster, and every pearl inside is a chance to jazz up your writing portfolio with cool projects.

So, in this comprehensive article, I’ll share how you can get paid to write online and how much you’ll earn. I’ll also tell you a few places where you can get started and find writing gigs.

The opportunities to get paid are out there, and if you consider writing for living your passion and are looking to work on the type of content you’ll be proud of, keep reading.

The Growth of Remote Work

Let’s chat about the remote work craze and how it can help your writing journey.

It’s been picking up steam like crazy, and the 2019 global events just poured rocket fuel on it.

We’ve seen a 400% jump in remote work since 2010—mind-blowing, right?

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Tools like Zoom and Slack have made it super easy to stay connected and collaborate, so you can be part of a team without the morning commute.

And this isn’t just a flash in the pan—companies are seriously looking at remote work for the long haul.

This shift has opened the writing world with no borders, just endless possibilities. A perfect environment to start a freelance writing business.

It’s a thrilling time to be a wordsmith, tapping into this global shift and finding your place in the digital work landscape.

How to Find Great Writing Jobs on Sites That Pay

Finding good freelance writing gigs on online freelance marketplaces and job boards like Upwork, FlexJobs, and Remotive is as easy as ABC.

So, let’s dive into the process of how you can start to get paid to write articles:

  1. Create an Account: For starters, you must create a free profile on these platforms. It’s simple—follow the prompts. Remember, your profile is your first pitch, so make it shine.
  2. Search for Writing Gigs: Once you’re in, dive into the vast ocean of jobs. Use the search bar at the top of the page and type in “writing” or any specific niche you’re interested in.
  3. Filter Your Results: To narrow down your search, use the filters. You can choose the experience level and job type (freelance, part-time, full-time) and even specify the industry.
  4. Review and Apply: You’ve got your results. Now, spend some quality time reviewing each job post. Look at the job description, requirements, and rates per article. If you find a match, hit that ‘Apply’ button.
  5. Follow-up: Don’t just apply and forget about it. Follow up periodically, but respectfully—don’t be an annoying pest.

And voilà! You’re on your way to landing your dream remote writing job and making money online.

Also, remember patience is vital, and rejections are part of the game.

So, keep refining your approach, and don’t stop pitching, and you’ll soon start to make a living writing.

Boost Your Career in Writing With In-Person Networking

Hey, don’t get me wrong. The online writing hustle is fantastic, but there’s something magical about good ol’ in-person networking.

It sharpens your people skills and adds that human touch—something a Zoom meeting can’t quite capture.

professionals' opinions on networking

Here’s the lowdown:

  1. Find the Right Events: Seek out events in your industry. Look for conferences, meetups, or workshops that resonate with your niche. Websites like Eventbrite and Meetup are your new best buddies.
  2. Come Prepared: Arrive with a stash of business cards and a well-rehearsed elevator pitch. Remember, you’re there to make an impression, so confidence is your secret weapon.
  3. Engage Authentically: Don’t just hand out cards willy-nilly. Engage in genuine conversations. Listen to others, share your experiences, and build meaningful connections.
  4. Follow-up: Don’t let those new contacts go cold once the event is over. Connect on LinkedIn, send an email, or even set up a coffee date. Keep the conversation going.
  5. Repeat: Consistency is critical. Attend events regularly—not just when you’re looking for work. A steady presence helps keep your name at the forefront and your people skills in tip-top shape.

So, while tapping away at your keyboard, don’t forget to get out there and mingle. Your career and your people skills will thank you.

Networking might seem like an old-school tactic in our digital world, but trust me, it’s still a very effective tool for professional growth and boosting your writing career.

The Diverse Roles of a Freelance Writer in Remote Work

Being a whiz with words isn’t quite enough. As a new writer in the freelance work realm, you’ve got to be a jack-of-all-trades, especially when it comes to digital marketing.

High-paying clients nowadays are looking for more than just a wordsmith. They are looking for someone who can wear their marketing hat, analyze data, and create strategies to make their content stand out online.

Why, you ask?

Well, content isn’t just about telling personal stories anymore—it’s about telling the right story to the right people at the right time.

You need to understand SEO to ensure your content gets found, social media to ensure it gets shared, and analytics to measure its success and guide future strategy.

By understanding digital marketing, you can provide more value to your clients, helping them attract more eyeballs, engage their audience, and achieve their business goals.

So, find popular online educational materials to help, read blogs, watch webinars—whatever it takes to grasp those essential skills.

Then, not only can you deliver compelling content, but you can also offer insights into how that content can drive success for their business. And trust me, clients will love you for it!

Specializing Your Freelance Writing

Alright, let’s talk strategy. To make an impact in the freelance market, specialize in a niche.

You may think, “Shouldn’t I diversify and cover more ground?”

Well, yes, but hear me out!

When you choose a niche, you’re not limiting your options; you’re fine-tuning your focus.

You’re saying, “I’m not just a writer; I’m a healthcare writer,” or “I’m a tech writer,” or whatever your chosen field may be.

This instantly sets you apart from the sea of generalist writers and establishes you as an authority in your field.

Clients in your niche will more likely trust you and pay for your writing services because you speak their language and understand their audience.

You can provide deep insights and nuanced content that a generalist writer might not be able to provide.

This can lead to higher rates, projects you enjoy writing, and a steadier work stream.

Here’s the cool part.

Once you’ve established yourself in one niche and built a solid portfolio and reputation, you can always branch out into other niches.

This way, you can demonstrate your writing skills while still leveraging the credibility you’ve built in your original niche.

So, you get the best of both worlds—a specialist’s deep expertise and a generalist’s broad flexibility.

Pick a niche, dive in, and become the go-to writer in that field. Then, when you’re ready, take on another.

How Much Can Freelancers Make Writing Versus In-House Writers

You might wonder, “How much can I make as a freelance writer?”

The enticing answer to this question is potentially much more than you might earn in an in-house writing position.

Most in-house writing jobs have a fixed salary, and you won’t be able to set your rates.

According to ZIPPIA, the average salary of an entry-level content writer in the United States is around $40,000 per year.

That’s not a bad figure, but it’s pretty much capped. Unless you’re promoted, you’re not likely to see that number increase dramatically.

But as a freelance writer, your income isn’t capped. The sky’s the limit!

The amount you earn depends entirely on how much work you’re willing and able to do.

According to a survey by ClearVoice, freelance writers can earn anywhere from $0.10 to $1 per word. That means for a 1000-word article, you could potentially earn between $100 and $1000!

In another perspective, the same survey found that nearly 20% of freelance writers earned between $50,000 and $100,000 per year, with about 5% earning over $100,000.

With these figures, you can see the potential for freelance writing earnings to surpass those of in-house positions.

But remember, freelance work also involves managing your taxes and benefits, and work can be less stable, especially when you’re first starting out writing for content mills.

So, while the freelance path might not be paved with gold, it certainly offers the potential for higher earnings for many who want to write a more flexible and fulfilling work-life balance.

Overcoming Challenges and Make Money Writing

Working remotely also has its challenges, but with the right approach, you can overcome them and thrive. Many online publications have very strict submission guidelines and require multiple writing samples. Some of the pay when you first start can be a few cents per word.

But these publishers pay, and they still present decent opportunities for writers to start earning money. And as long as they accept submissions, I recommend you to submit articles, guest posts, and even personal essays.

Find the online submissions manager and let them know that you are a content marketing writer. Even with little writing experience, you can write sample articles related to your specific niche.

Before you know it, you’ll start gaining a good reputation as a freelance writer, and you’ll start to earn more money.

Here are a few more tips to help you get success:

  • Find your tribe online: Connect with like-minded individuals in your industry or field—people who are also on their freelance writing journey. Join communities, forums, or social media groups where you can network, share experiences, and seek support.
  • Establish a disciplined schedule: Set precise working hours and stick to them. Create a routine that helps you stay focused and productive. Prioritize your tasks and set achievable goals to stay on track.
  • Create a dedicated workspace: Set up a designated area for work, even if it’s a small corner in your home. Having a separate space helps you mentally switch into work mode and minimize distractions.
  • Take regular breaks: Avoid burnout by incorporating regular breaks into your schedule. Step away from your workspace, stretch, and give yourself time to recharge. This will help maintain your focus and productivity throughout the day.
  • Stay organized: Use digital tools or apps to stay organized and manage your tasks efficiently. Set reminders, create to-do lists, and track your progress to ensure you stay on top of your responsibilities.

Remember, you have the power to thrive in a remote work environment. You can maximize this opportunity and achieve great things with the right mindset and strategic approach.

Mindset Tips For Your Freelance Writing Business

As a freelancer, your mindset is crucial to your success. So, here are some tips to help you cultivate a positive and productive mindset.

  • Believe in yourself: The first step to success is believing you can achieve it. Believe in your skills, abilities, and value as a writer. This confidence will shine through in your work and attract clients.
  • Embrace learning: The freelance writing industry constantly evolves, and there’s always something new to learn. Embrace this growth mindset and be open to learning how to write from others, whether it’s through courses, workshops, or networking.
  • Set realistic expectations: Don’t expect overnight success as a freelancer. Building a successful career takes time and effort. Set achievable goals for yourself and celebrate small wins along the way.
  • Prioritize self-care: As a freelancer, getting caught up in work and neglecting your well-being is easy. Make self-care a priority by scheduling breaks, practicing mindfulness, and caring for your physical and mental health.
  • Network and collaborate: Don’t view other writers as competition; see them as potential collaborators. Networking and collaborating with freelancers can lead to new content writing opportunities and help you learn from others’ experiences.
  • Be resilient: Freelancing comes with its share of rejection, uncertainty, and challenges. Stay resilient by reminding yourself why you started this journey and focusing on the lessons learned from setbacks.

What’s In The Future of Writing Online For Clients

The future landscape of freelance writing offers boundless possibilities.

The digital age has magnified these opportunities, offering a platform for writers to showcase their talents globally.

With the potential to earn a substantial income, freelancers can reap the rewards of their hard work, not limited by fixed salaries typical in in-house jobs.

However, it’s worth noting that freelancing isn’t without its challenges.

To thrive requires discipline, effective time management, a dedicated workspace, and constant learning.

A positive mindset is vital, as well as believing in your skills and abilities, setting realistic expectations, prioritizing self-care, and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth.

The future of freelance writing is bright, with increasing demand for quality content. Navigate this exciting realm by leveraging your unique skills, staying adaptable, and continuously learning.

Dive in, seize opportunities, and shape your freelance writing future. Remember, the sky’s the limit, so start writing!


Hey there! I'm Jay, the owner of Smart Digital Earner. This site will share various intelligent ways to earn a living online as a skilled freelance marketer. So watch for all the great articles and case studies we publish.


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